Monday, 31 October 2011


Education in New Zealand:
Education in New Zealand follos the three-tier model which includes primary schools,followed  by secondary schools (high schools) and tertiary education at universities and polytechs.

The Programme for international Student Assessment ranks New Zealand's education as the 7th best in the world.The Education Index, published with the UN's Human Development Index in 2008,based on data from 2006,lists New Zealand as 0.993,amongst the highest in the world,tied for first with Denmark,Finland and Austrlaia.

Education is free and compulsory between the ages of 6 and 16,although in very special cases an exemption can be gained after applying to the MOE.These may be granted to students who are close to 16,have been experiencing some ongoing difficulty at school and have a job already lined up.Families wishing to home educate their children can apply for exemption.To get an exemption from enrollment at a registered school,they must satisfy the Secretary of Education that their child will be taught "as regularly and as well as in a registered school."

 Children almost always start school on their 5th birthday,or the first school day after it.Post compulsory education is regulated within the New Zealand National Qualifications Framework,a unified system of national qualifications in schools,vocational education and training. The academic year in New Zealand varies between institutions, but generally runs from late January until mid-December for primary and secondary schools and polytechnics, and from late February until mid-November for universities.
Early Childhood education:

Many children attend some form of early childhood education before they begin school.

*Kohanga Reo,
*Licensed Early Childhood Centres
*Chartered Early Childhood Centres

Compulsory(Primary and Secondary):

Free Primary and Secondary education tuition is a right for all New Zealand children from age 5 until the end of the calendar year following the students 19th birthday,and is compulsory for students between the ages of 6 and 16(15 with parental and school permission).A recent proposal by the New Zealand Government, called schools plus,would see students required to remain in some form of education until age 18.
Useful links: