School education:
After completing 9 year basic education,students can choose between general upper secondary education and vocational upper secondary education:1.general upper secondary school provides general education leading to the national Matriculation examination,which gives eligibility to all forms of higher education.
2.Vocational upper secondary education may be organized in vocational education institutions or in the form of apprenticeship training.An Vocational qualification takes three years to complete and gives eligibility to all forms of higher education.In vocational further education and training it is also possible to obtain Further vocational qualifications and specialist vocational qualification which can only be taken as comptetence based examinations and are mainly intended for employed adults.
After completing 9 year basic education,students can choose between general upper secondary education and vocational upper secondary education:1.general upper secondary school provides general education leading to the national Matriculation examination,which gives eligibility to all forms of higher education.
2.Vocational upper secondary education may be organized in vocational education institutions or in the form of apprenticeship training.An Vocational qualification takes three years to complete and gives eligibility to all forms of higher education.In vocational further education and training it is also possible to obtain Further vocational qualifications and specialist vocational qualification which can only be taken as comptetence based examinations and are mainly intended for employed adults.
Higher education:
The higher education system of Finland in binary.It comprises universities and Polytechnics.The Finnish higher education sytem comprises 20 universities and 29 polytechnics.Ten of the universities are multifaculty universities and ten are specialized institutions.All universities engage in both education and research and have the right to award doctorates.The polytechnics are multifield institutions of professional higher education.They are specialized in applied research and development.
*Universities award first cycle university degrees, second cycle university degrees(usually called and third cycle scientific postgraduate degrees).
*Polytechnics award first cycle polytechnic degrees and second cycle polytechnic degrees.
Stages of studies:
Nonuniversity Level:Polytechnics,the first cycle polytechnic degree consists of depending on the field.The degree titles indicate the field of study,e.g.Bachelor of Engineering or Bachelor of Health care.
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