Wednesday, 23 November 2011


Education system:

The education system in Holland is known for its high quality in education and research and its international study environment.In addition,with 1541 international study programmes and courses it has the largst offer of continental Europe.

Holland has two main types of higher education institutions: research universities and universities of applied sciences.Research universitie focus on the independent practice of research oriented work in an academic or professional setting.

Universities of applied sciences that prepare students for specific careers.A third,smaller branch of higher education is provided by institutes for international education,which offer programmers designed especially for international students.
Why study in Holland?

What makes Holland an attractive country to study?What can you expect of the higher education system and how diverse is the range of international study programes offered?


Students who enrol on higher education programmes will obtain a bachelors degree upon completion of the
undergraduate phase,and a masters degree upon completion of the graduate phase.

*Universities and Universities of applied sciences award both types of degrees.Institutes for international eduction offer masters programmes,but no bachelors programmes.


*A research university bachelors programme requires 3 years of study.Graduates obtain a Bacheor of Arts or Bachelor of Science degree,depending on the discipline.A bachelors degree programme offred by universities of applied sciences requires 4 years of study.The degree indicates the field of study.
